Tamil Nadu Government extends the Lockdown till Aug 9th without any further relaxations.

Jul 30, 2021

The Tamil Nadu government has extended the lockdown till Aug 9, 2021 without any further relaxations. The already permitted activities will continue in the State, except in containment zones.

The District Collectors & Police have been instructed to strictly implement the protocol and close all areas where large gathering is witnessed in view of the welfare of the public.

Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), Industrial Schools and typewriting/shorthand institutes shall function with 50% students at a time and on a rotation basis.

Teachers will be allowed to work in Schools to facilitate admission process, distribution of textbooks & administrative works.

Inter-state public & private transport except to & from the Union Territory of Puducherry is prohibited.

Schools, Colleges, Theatres, Bars, Swimming pools, Zoological parks, social & political gatherings, entertainment, sports and cultural events will remain prohibited.

Please eMail czchennai@valingro.com , if any further details would be required.